Prohibited business lines
All organizations and individuals are not allowed to invest in certain business sectors in Vietnam due to some reasons such as public health, societal morality, or under conventions Vietnam signed. The Investment Law 2014 has specified 06 prohibited business lines which have been added one more under the Amended Law on Investment that has come into effect from January 01st, 2017.
The full list of prohibited business lines now includes 07 lines, specifying:
1. Trade in the narcotic substances specified in Appendix 1of the Investment Law;
2. Trade in the chemicals and minerals specified in Appendix 2 of the Investment Law;
3. Trade in specimens of wild flora and fauna specified in Appendix 1 of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; specimens of rare and/or endangered species of wild fauna and flora in Group I of Appendix 3of the Investment Law
4. Prostitution;
5. Human trafficking; trade in human tissues and body parts;
6. Business pertaining to human cloning.
7. Trading in firecrackers.
Although the above business lines are strictly prohibited for general purposes, they are still allowed for manufacturing and using for some special purposes such as analysis, testing, scientific study, healthcare, manufacture of pharmaceutical products, criminal investigation, national defense and security and these conductions shall be based on regulations of Government in certain stage.
Please contact us for any further concerns related to the topic of this article.
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Asia Business Consulting is a boutique consulting firm specializing in corporate establishment, legal and business advisory, tax and payroll compliance, HR administration, market research to multinationals investing in Vietnam.
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